applaud and clap with one hand - give the applause that speakers deserveRemember the last time you were sitting in a talk, enjoying a refreshing cup o
applaud and clap with one hand - give the applause that speakers deserve
Remember the last time you were sitting in a talk, enjoying a refreshing cup of coffee? Unexpectedly the talk was over and you would have loved to give applause and cheer - but where should you put the coffee? CLAPP makes it possible to applaud with one hand!
How to CLAPP: (for known bugs: see below)
+ Open CLAPP on the morning of a conference, at the beginning of a talk or any time you think you will need to applaud with one hand. A hovering button with the clapping hands logo will show up.
+ You can make the hovering button movable with a swipe that is starting on it. Then you can drag the button wherever you want it to be. When you lift your finger the applauding button moves to the closest border of your screen.
+ A click on the Hover Button maximizes the CLAPP functions:
- Clap once with one short click on the CLAPPing Hands
- Start a continuous applause by pressing the CLAPPing Hands continuously. The applauding will end as soon as you lift your finger. Also, the CLAPP functions will minimize automatically
- Control Bar: control the volume of the clap
- Drop Down Menu: select different applause types, moderate clapping, normal applauding or the most often used strong applause
- The X closes the applause app completely
- Back Button: minimize the CLAPP functions and stay ready to applaud again later
Works also to clap after lectures, to cheer in terrific speeches, to applaud after performances, for clapping with a tea in one hand, for applauding while drinking water, to give a clap with a beer, to cheer with wine and to applaud with milk, juice, smoothies, ice cream, a croissant and similar in the other hand!
And if you were wondering: "Boson" is the version name. If CLAPP is successful other bosons are to come.
Known Bugs: (I'm sorry)
- If you tap the "clapping hands" button very fast, the sound of the app stops working after 15 to 30 claps. If this happens, you can make the clap sound work again by following this:
. . (1) Press the home button of your phone long (2sec) until a list of recently used applications opens.
. . (2) If clapp isn't in the list, jump to item (4) of this instruction.
. . (3) If clapp is one of the items in the list, swipe over it to the right or left. If you swipe far enough, clapp disappears from the list.
. . (4) Launch clapp again and the clapping sound will work again.
. . (5) Enjoy relaxed applauding
If you are a developer: clapp uses the MediaPlayer and releases it every few "single claps". This should actually delete this bug. If you have any suggestion how to get rid of this bug, please send it to [email protected] or comment! Thank you!
By using and/or downloading CLAPP you agree to the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Statement that can be read by clicking on "Privacy Statement and EULA" in the app.
You agree that the author of CLAPP and his licensors are not liable to you under any theory of liability for _any_ damages that may be incurred by your use or download of CLAPP.
Currently we don't collect your information, besides the data that is automatically collected by the Google Play Store.